Archive for March, 2017

An Unforgettable Cause

A range of ‘Alzheimer’s cushions’ spread out before the backdrop of Ann’s beautiful quilt. In the run-up to Christmas last year, Alzheimer’s Scotland launched their newest initiative which was the Alzheimer Scotland Action on Dementia Tartan that I designed for them. They made a delightful video advert called…

An Abomination!

Whenever I gave a talk on Highland dress in the USA and spoke of the white stockings (hose) that one so frequently sees worn with the kilt, I would – in the manner of an old-fashioned southern preacher – boom: “White hose is an abomination unto the Lord”….

Irish and Welsh Blarney

Such is the universal popularity of tartan that commercial temptations often overcome historical reality and countries to whom tartan is quite alien, suddenly find themselves the proud legatees of previously unknown treasures. Frequently such ‘Road to Damascus’ revelations are accompanied by fantastical claims that this country or that…

To Russia with Love

One of the most evocative tartans that I’ve ever designed was that for the75th Anniversary of the first Russian Arctic Convoy to leave Scotland’s shores. To give some background, here are some brief details gleaned from Wikipedia: The Arctic convoys of World War II were oceangoing convoys that…

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