About Tartan Ambassador

JournalismandBroadcastingJournalism & Broadcasting

As the published author of three reference books including the acclaimed ‘Tartans’, Brian Wilton has written the bulk of the editorial on the Scottish Tartans Authority website which is consulted by over 1,000 people a day seeking information on the historical and practical elements of tartan and Highland Dress.

He has become the focal point for articles and interviews with overseas publications, broadcasters and documentary producers and to his consternation, his opinion on what should be worn under the kilt was sought – and went viral!

Lectures, Presentations & Staff Training Modules

Whether it be to craft workers inside the Arctic Circle, youngsters in a Scottish junior school, college students in Moscow; a US Highland Games audience or 400 sales associates in New York, Brian’s ability to inform and enthuse is always in great demand as is his humorous and down-to-earth delivery style.

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